Breaking Through

August 28 - September 13, 2024

By Leo Cortez | Based on the book by Francisco Jiménez

In this sequel to The Circuit, we pick up the story of Pancho and his family after they’ve been deported to Mexico. In a brave move to return, the family applies for legal entry to the United States. But in the time that follows, Francisco and his family face poverty, long hours of field labor and prejudice. These hardships are lessened for Pancho, as his dream to continue his education becomes a reality. As a division between father and son grows, it quickly becomes clear that the family’s financial future is destined for failure if the family does not stay together.

Recommended: Grades 3 & up.

Free performances for schools

Arts for Social Justice

SCU•Presents Arts for Social Justice produces and presents a series of 50-minute plays that address a social justice issue that is pertinent to our local community.

One of the most divisive issues in our country today is immigration. This discussion is taking place in our nation, but in California, it is more than just a discussion, it is an issue that touches us personally through our students and in our community. In discussing this issue, migrants are rarely humanized and it is our responsibility to address this issue in accordance with our core values of education individuals through conscience and compassion.